
The longest day ever

Today has been the longest day ever. You may wonder why this is the longest day ever. Well today I'm at work. I have been staring at the clock since about 10 this morning. Watching the hours slowly pass. As soon as the clock hits 7, I'm going to close down the store and go camping! I am excited.

This whole camping thing brings back memories. A long time ago, the 90's, my family took a trip to Washington DC. It was an exciting time for us all. Early in the morning my siblings and I waited in our regulation Home Schooler van (In the 90's you could not Home School your children if you dind't have a 16 passenger van). Our parents were inside the office paying for our campsite. As we sat there barley awake, four oriental business men walked up to the side door of our van. They then proceeded to open the door and get in. I almost cried. They quickly realized what they were doing and said, "oh, this isn't the tour bus. Sorry". Then they closed the door and walked off.

Have any of you ever had wired or funny camping moments. Post a comment and tell us about them.

P.S. I will hopefully post some of pictures of the trip in a couple of days.


Blogger Rachel said...

Amen to the regulation homeschooler van thing. Except our family was just weird. We had a car. It must not have been that obvious though, as we were never thrown out of the homeschool group... hmm, maybe my parents are sneakier than I thought....

Sorry, that probably made no sense to anyone but me, but at least I'm laughing, lol! :D

As for weird or funny camping moments... I'm thinking. I guess our camping trips are pretty normalish... there was that one time when it rained and the tarp somehow wasn't under part of the tent, so we woke up in the morning and everything, including us, was soaked. That wasn't really weird or funny, though, but it's a story. Speaking of which, I hope it didn't rain on you all tonight... I don't know where you went, but it rained here.

Oh I thought of a weird one... scary too... for me at least. Just last week when we went camping, the rest of my family had all loaded up in the van and drove to the showers, so I was out there by myself. These two middle-aged guys (and their beers) started walking down the road right by me (the beers didn't walk, though) and totally started hitting on me. :( They stopped at an empty campsite across the road from me and started goofing around. It unnerved me because I noticed they were looking my direction a lot. Then they walked a bit farther down the road, and just before they were out of view, they just turned around and walked back, this time on my side of the road. As they walked by they smiled these huge goofy grins and said hi and all that. I said hi back and it came out in this weird timid freaked-out voice (maybe because I was) and then I tried to hide in the notebook I was writing in. I seriously was freaked out until Dad got back... it sounds so silly now but I was really scared then... I probably looked hilarious. Not much to that story but at least it's something!

Lol... I hope you don't mind that I've been lurking here recently... I tend to write pretty long comments too, unfortunately for those who read them, but I guess you've already figured that out, haha.

Blogger Eric L Robinson said...

Yay for long comments. Camping was awsome. It rained a bunch. We tried going inside our tent, but it was worse inside. So we ended up all standing around the fire with our shirts off for about three hours. Just standing there in the rain is awsome, especially when you have a warm fire near by.


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