
Lots of stuff

I was in walmart tonight with my friend kurt looking through the super mega movie deal bin. After almost 30 minutes of continuous digging (At one point I almost fell in) one of the 40+ year old lady walmart workers comes up to me and says "are you having fun". I let her know that I was having a time of my life scouring through bad movie after bad movie. She than told me "I have a cashier that is in love with you". In that awkward where the heck did this lady come from moment I kinda mumbled a couple of nonsense words. She then began to inform me that I should go talk to the girl and get her number. Then the walmart worker lady told me that was over in the self checkout lanes.

Needless to say kurt and I quickly made our way to the opposite side of walmart to escape the eyes of the old lady and girl. We couldn't help but notice that as soon as we left we were being followed around by various workers. They seemed to periodically radio in to notify the girl of where we were. I'm not quite sure if it was my long shaggy falling out hair, my big belly or my sagging pants (the sagging pants are due to the big belly, every time I pull the pants up my stomach just yanks them right back down).

I had a feeling that all of my blogpeeps might enjoy that story.

On a more serious note I just figured that I would let you all know that God is awesome. No matter how Unfaithful I have been, He is there. My reason for revelation is from tonight when I was on my way home after the whole "women of walmart" thing. I was on my way home listening to some nice Zao, and for some reason it felt like everything was kinda caving in. All of the pressure from spiritual battles that I had been losing were just overwhelming me. I felt like I could not go on another step, that I wasn't worthy to go on another step. I just screamed out for Christ to save me from this turmoil, give me piece for just a moment from everything. And He did. He is there and willing to listen. God wants a Relationship with us. And sometimes it takes something breaking us to snap us out of the routine, so that we can look up and say "Help me daddy, I can't do it alone".
God bless,
Monk aka "The one the walmart ladies love"
P.S. Just so you all know the walmart ladies actually scare me.


And now for something completely different.

I was sitting here at work thinking. Why do I seem to just "exist" while in the workplace? I dread the days I have to be at work all day. I constantly watch the clock longing for the seconds to go by faster. I think how great it will be to get off work (especially on fridays).

You are probably thinking "that's how everyone is". Well maybe so, but I do not want this for myself. Living with this mindset is a tremendous waste of time. How many full days in someone's life will they spend working? The majority of your life will be spent on the clock. If I end up going through the rest of my life just watching the seconds go by on the clock, I might as well have not lived at all. Nothing can be accomplished mentally, physically or spiritually sitting there watching the seconds go by.

There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with this attitude. As a believer in Christ I am to live like Christ. Now I'm not saying to quit your job and go spend the rest of your life like nomadic hippies. You must make use of your time no matter where you are or what you are doing. God puts us places for a reason. For the time being if where you are is hard and seems unfruitful, bear with it. Whether you are flipping burgers or signing a big contract for a big sardine company, do something with the time. If anything you can pray. The simplest, most powerful and most ignored thing that we could do.

I need constant reminder that I am where I am for a reason. I am being put through trials and temptations for a reason. If this is where I am for the rest of my life, great.

If it seems like I am preaching, It's because I am. I'm preaching to myself.

I guess the moral of the story is I have wasted a lot of time, and I need a change.


Not Very Bright

Well I think I saw a whole new kind of stupid today. A tow truck was parked in our parking lot handling some business. Some college kid drives up and parks right next to the tow truck and walked across the street. First of all there are signs at the entrances of the parking lot that say:

Customer Parking only

All Violators will be towed

Well we give the tow truck driver a shout out and he walks out and starts prepping the car to be taken away. As he is doing this, a girl pulls up right next to the first car that is in the process of getting towed. She gets out of her car, I'm sure she was thinking "Glad I'm too cool to get towed." Then she calmly walks down the street.

Wow people. I mean Wow. How obvious do you want us to be. You would think signs all over would let people know "Don't Park here". You would really think that a CAR BEING TOWED would give just a little bit more of a hint. But no. People continue to be moronic.

As I was writing this both the girl and the guy came back. The girl got out lucky and was able to get away with not being towed because she got back so soon. But the guy came back to see his car being lifted up on the truck. It is a sad sad day for that guy.